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Population census: Make a click for a better future!

Population census: Make a click for a better future!
15.03.2021 - Dear neighbors! Every inhabitant is important, let's make a click for a better future for Slovakia, Bratislava and our district of Bratislava-Nové Mesto. You can be counted in 2021 electronically – quickly, easily and safely.
Fill in census form until 31. 3. 2021 on the website: or by using a mobile application SODB 2021.
All residents of the Slovak Republic are obliged to enumerate themselves by filling in the census form. For the purposes of the census, the population refers to anyone who has a permanent, temporary or tolerated residence in the Slovak Republic. The population also means a citizen of the European Union who has his usual residence in the Slovak Republic.
For minor children and legally incapable residents, the census forms shall be filled in by their legal representatives.
For more information:

Posledná aktualizácia: 15.03.2021 15:59